Archive | January 2019

Cleared for a Year!

Little Miss Minion had a neurosurgeon appointment this morning. This was our first non-surgery related appointment since she was born, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the doctor.

The exam room table is made to look like a racecar, and LMM had a lot of fun playing with it while we waited in the room. She likes to compare things, so she commented that the red car was the same color as her red jacket, and both of them were the same as my scarf. Her neurosurgeon came in and introduced himself to her. She wasn’t really talking yet last time she saw him (her surgery last October) and she’s far more social and attentive now. He felt her shunts and checked her stomach, checked her eyes, and just talked to her for a little bit. There was a wind chill of -31F this morning, so she had a lot to say about how cold it was.

After their little chat, he became her best friend when he gave her a sticker and told her to check out the fish tank on the way out.

We are cleared for a year! Unless she has any issues, the plan is yearly check-ups and imaging in 3-4 years, when she probably won’t need to be sedated for the MRI.


In other news, I am finally just about over the longest sickness I think I have ever had. My Christmas cold turned into New Year’s cold, which turned into January bronchitis, an ear infection, and a sinus infection. And this all started when my former micropreemie came home one day with a runny nose that lasted approximately 12 hours. Mr Minion says I need to eat more fruit. I think that Little Miss Minion’s daycare is cultivating the next plague. Either way, I’m really REALLY glad that I got the worse case and not LMM. And one month later, I’m finally back to like 96% healthy. PSA: if you think you have bronchitis, go the doctor sooner rather than later.

This entry was posted on January 30, 2019. 2 Comments