Almost Summer!

You would think that after almost 8 years of writing on this blog, I would remember to do it more often.

Updates on the Minion family:

  • Mr Minion started a new job! He works from home, which is great.
  • Little Miss Minion is finishing her first year of PSR and had her First Communion a couple of weeks ago.
  • I was confirmed into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil after being in RCIA classes since last September
  • Mr Minion is drawing up plans to screen in our patio cover.
  • I finished another round of classes, so I am one semester closer to getting that BSN. I think right now I will graduate in August of 2024, depending on my course load. I might change it up in the fall, I haven’t decided yet.
  • I am also enrolled in a program at work that focuses on professional development and clinical development. You earn points for completing certain tasks or earning certifications, and then there are different thresholds of extra compensation. The levels start at a 1, the lowest level, and go to Level 4. The points are in different categories, like education, professional development, clinical skills, etc. I think I’ll be able to get a Level 3, and I might be able to get a Level 4. I get credit for my bachelor’s in English (bachelor in any field), I get credit for my BSN nursing classes, plus the two workgroups I belong to. The program lasts for a year, then you start getting your new pay rate for the next year.
  • LMM has her annual neurosurgeon visit coming up in June. She is also due for an MRI this time, which will be interesting. I think that the last time she had an MRI was in 2017 or 2018, after her last surgery. She won’t remember that one, but this one in June will be the first one she will remember. We’re going to start prepping her for it so she isn’t nervous. I think Baby Yoda might need an MRI for something…lol…I can make the MRI machine out of a carboard box or something and we can play MRI sounds on our phone while Baby Yoda gets his scan.
  • I also finally got registered as a volunteer for LMM’s school, which means I can chaperone field trips and events at school. I went with her on a field trip to a local wildlife/restoration area in the spring and chaperoned a class dance party a couple of weeks later. Working night shift is nice because I am available during the day, as long as I don’t work that night. For the field trip, I worked the night before so I was awake for like 24 hours. I did not work that night, which is why I was able to sign up, but it was so much fun to get to see her with all her friends.

Summer plans include summer school, a weeklong summer camp program at school, a Girl Scout daycamp, and a Girl Scout camping trip with Mr Minion and another with me. She will also be doing the summer “daycare” program since Mr Minion works and I have to sleep during the days if I work that night. The program has themed weeks with crafts and activities, plus access to the school’s amenities and the playgrounds, so I think she will enjoy it. She will also be riding a school bus between the summer school and the daycare program, since they are held at different locations. She is very excited, because she has only been on a school bus a couple of times for field trips.

Another item of note is happening this weekend: LMM turns 8! She is having a birthday party with friends (her first one), and she is so excited. I think everyone will have a great time.

Hopefully I remember to update this again before school starts in the fall! 🙂

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