Tag Archive | cereal

Shopping Spree

I got to go shopping this afternoon. I got myself some Starbucks, because it’s not every week I get to leave the house.

On the shopping list: 8 oz bottles, cereal, baby spoons, and random household stuff.

Cereal tonight was overall a success. She didn’t spit it out and actually seemed to kind of like the spoon. Very impressed, since she’s only 2 months adjusted.

In addition to her rolling, which she did several times today, she’s gotten quite good at sitting up with just her boppy for support.

I pulled out a bunch of new clothes for her last night, since she’s starting to fit into some of the 3 month outfits. She’s getting so big!

Keep Rolling

Little Miss Minion rolled repeatedly from her stomach to her back tonight. She’s done it a couple times here and there, but this was just like a switch flipped. We were trying to do tummy time and we couldn’t because she kept rolling over.

Her synagis shot was scheduled for a couple weeks from now and I cannot wait. She’ll be getting her flu shot right around then also. Too bad they don’t have something for colds as well.

I’m going out tomorrow for like the 4th time in a month. I’ll be getting all kinds of cool stuff like baby cereal, tiny spoons, and some 8 ounce bottles!  She’s routinely finishing her 4 ounce ones, and they are starting to leak.

Off to Minion bathtime!

Pediatrician Visit: 2 months adjusted

Quick update: Little Miss Minion had her two month pediatrician appointment today. She now weighs 10 pounds, 6 ounces, and is 21.5 inches long. That’s 5.5 times her birthweight and about 1.5 times her birth length. 

She got more shots today, which I’m very happy about. She wailed for about five minutes afterward, which I found interesting because she never really cared when they would place IVs. 

The pediatrician is very happy with her. She cleared us to try rice cereal with her over the next month or so. She’ll start out with a few teaspoons and hopefully she’ll be up to 1/2 cup per day in about a month, plus her same amount of breastmilk feedings. Then we can start her on baby food. We increased her famotidine (reflux meds) a little bit, and the cereal will help with that as well. 

On the way out, I made her next two appointments and confused the heck out of the receptionist. I made her flu shot appointment for next month. Babies must be at least six months old to get the flu shot. Then I made her 4 month (adjusted) appointment for December.  The receptionist kept trying to tell me that was wrong, because of the timing for the flu shot. She finally checked with the doctor and it was good.